PBS Media Mentor Play Kit (Ages 2-6)


Learn about Media Mentoring

Children can learn so much from everyday routines and objects already found in the home. Children can “Step It Out!” to break down everyday activities into simple steps to learn how to solve a problem or achieve a goal. This Play Kit will focus on the concept of algorithms: The breaking down of everyday activities into simple steps to learn how to solve a problem or achieve a goal.

Digital media - like videos and online games – included to help children create, connect, and learn. When adults engage with their children with high quality content, they become “media mentors” who show children how to use media to further their development.

Learn about Media Mentoring

I love to wash my hands!

Clothes on, eat breakfast, brush teeth, Clothes on, eat breakfast, brush teeth, put on shoes, and off to school.

Clean up, clean up, everybody everywhere. Clean up, clean up, everybody do your share!

What is Computational Thinking?

Computational thinking, or CT for short, doesn’t teach children what to think but how to think. CT is a way of thinking to solve problems, express oneself, and accomplish tasks using practices, processes and skills at the core of computer science fields CT is more than just relevant to technical fields. It is a skillset that encourages us to solve problems, develop effective solutions, and think logically – and creatively – as we encounter everyday situations. Did you know that you are already most likely practicing CT with your young children at home?